
Hate relationship with acnes (2)

Setelah lulus kuliah dan kerja, dan akhirnya menikah, so far kulit wajah gue aman-aman aja. Ya tetep sih berminyak mah haha tapi ga jerawatan aja sih pentingnya, ya ga. Nah, persis pasca nikah, awal tahun 2018 ini, gue kena jerawatan lagi parah. Kausanya : stress persiapan nikahan + pindah rumah baru + air dirumah baru jelek. Jadi emang air dirumah gue sekarang warna coklat. Duh. Udah pake filter, jadinya emang lebih bening tp tetep rasa ga bersih kalo mandi. Long story gue jadi jerawatan dan suami gue juga kena tapi dia ga parah karena dia jarang dirumah. Gue awalnya biarin aja mikir bakalan sembuh sendiri tapi 3 bulan berlalu ga ilang-ilang. Gue kepikiran mau balik ke dr. Ko di Kimia Farma lagi tapi sekarang rumah gue di Cibinong dan gue mikir pasti rempong deh kalo bolak balik ke Bogor apalagi dr. Ko bukanya jam 6 sore. Gue kemudian nyoba pake tea tree oil nya The Body Shop, beli semua paket tea tree oil nya, acne gel nya (yang bentu...

Hate relationship with acnes (1)

Muka gue acne prone. Berminyak kayak kompor kalo lo abis masak. Bener-bener yang abis bedakan, 5 menit kemudian muka gw udah licin kayak abis kena minyak tumpah. Ga pernah cocok pake produk apapun, jadi gw ngantor cuma pake bedak Marck. Suka sirik liat muka emak yang mau seharian di outdoor, tetep matte ga ada minyaknya sama sekali, padahal emak gue yang cucunya udah tujuh, kaga pernah pake macem-macem di mukanya sejak dulu. Lipstik juga cuma tipis doang. Kalo ditanya gimana bisa ketidakadilan ini terjadi, emak cuma jawab "Iya kamu itu kulitnya emang turunan dari Papa, berminyak. Jadi memang rentan jerawatan. Papa dulu pas muda juga gitu" Dan kalo ditanya tips nya apa biar ga berminyak, si mama jawabnya "Air wudhu" Aaaaalright then. Jaman SMP SMA muka gue mulus kayak pantat bayi. Bahkan gue kan jarang mandi ya, mager mandi sore haha jadi jarang juga cuci muka, tapi ga pernah ada masalah. Jaman SMP SMA gue pake ponds yang pink aja buat cuci muka. Banyak teme...


This is THE BEST tv program ever! It contains everything I love and everything I want to watch 1.        It’s Sherlock stories (what will be better?) 2.        It’s British (I worship everything about UK especially the history and the accent) 3.        It’s Benedict Cumberbatch !! 4.        It’s a detective stories that make you think while watching I have read Sherlock Holmes since I was twelve or thirteen and it made detective comic I used to read   (Detective conan) looked boring and dull. I’ve read almost the story and series so when there was nothing left to read anymore, I jumped to read Hercule Poirot. Yet, I couldn’t find it as good as Sherlock Holmes. In high school, I start reading books from Sidney Sheldon and Marry Higgins Clark. In university, I burnt my self on veterinary books and I screwed up. No more detective stories in un...


·    My favorite lessons in high school were history and english, once ambitiously wanted to be an archaeologist but then ended up studying veterinary medical because of_______my dog. long story ·    The scariest thing in the world (in my opinion) is snake. It can bite you as fast as a lightning and, well it’s the scariest thing in the world. It is. ·    I am insanely stuck with everything about Britain, you know the kingdom, the dukedom, the castle, I’ve told you I do really worship history. British accent is what I am desperately craving for. Please God give me the accent. ·    I will spend the whole time reading Victorian novels and detective stories. I have read Sherlock Holmes when I was thirteen and never get bored of it. Never touch teen lit, by the way. ·    Part of my body I hate most? My eyes. ·    Got a scar on my left metatarsal when I was twelve years old. ·    A little freaky about Holly...

Animal Surgery

Caudectomy Puppy 1 month Cystotomy Adult male cat  Enterotomy Adult female cat   Kastrasi (spaying) Adult male cat  Laparotomy Adult female cat

A little thing called love

I have just watched Thailand movie “ A little thing called love ”. It really was not my habit to watch romantic movie but my cousin made me. I watched it finally and   I cried (really). It reminded me of another story I knew very well. Here is the story There was this girl, who loved this boy. They shared the same high school and there was where the story took place. The girl first saw the boy, who was one year her senior, in junior high school, in one occasion they shared the same table. The girl found the boy was very calm and quiet, he didn’t talk much. The girl didn’t know why but the boy remained in her mind since that time. One year passed, the girl met the boy again when she went to the high school where the boy was studying. She found her adoration for him grew bigger and she knew she loved him.   She joined student organization where he leaded. The girl used to watch him from afar not letting him knew her feeling. She used to wait him walk pass her c...

my old friends my grateful

                  This time, I feel like saying thanks to everyone who had introduce me first to the books and movies I felt in love with. The first name pop up in my head is Nurul Fiqi. She is the best friend I could ask from heaven. She was the one who introduced me to Detective Conan when I was on first year in junior high school. Umm, actually, the first time I saw Conan was at wall bulletin in my elementary school. My friend, M.Fajar Rahadian, painted Conan and put that picture there. That time, I remember I said, “What is this odd picture and who the hell painted this? Somebody should’ve told him that a kid wearing man’s suit would look awkward.”           Then, since I read the first Conan comic lent by Fiqi, I just kept reading, borrowing, borrowing to someone else, and buying, and so on. I became a maniac. I just felt sorry for happened saying those evil words to Fajar’s picture when I learnt that he...